ExploreGeo Papers
Some papers or magazine articles which ExploreGeo consultants or staff have either authored or co-authored;
Overview to the WA geophysical signatures volume published by ASEG and UWA - Geophysical Signatures of Western Australian Mineral Deposits an Overview
Scuddles VMS paper from the WA geophysical signatures volume published by ASEG and UWA - Geophysical Responses Over the Scuddles VMS Deposit
Sally Malay Nickel paper from the WA geophysical signatures volume published by ASEG and UWA - Geophysical Signature of the Sally Malay Nickel Deposit
Kalgoorlie Goldfield paper from the WA geophysical signatures volume published by ASEG and UWA - Geophysical Investigations of the Kalgoorlie Goldfield
Abstract from Kalgoorlie '07 volume - Getting the Most from your Yilgarn EM Survey
Exploration in Western Victoria, published by the GSA - Role Of Geophysics Under Murray Basin Cover
Extended Abstract from Sydney 2010 ASEG conference - Fast Direct Conductivity Transforms for TEM Surveys
Review of Real Section IP published in ASEG's Preview magazine - How Real is Real Section?
Extended Abstract from Melbourne 2013 ASEG Conference - The inversion of data from complex 3-D resistivity and I.P. surveys
Extracting Three Component magnetic data from down hole surveys published in ASEG's Preview magazine- Mag for free
Aproximating the magnetic effect of topography published in ASEG's Preview magazine - Magnetics in the mountains
Geophysical investigation to support characterisation of structurally controlled groundwater flow into an open pit mine AEGC 2018
"Is it pyrite, or a shed?": intricacies of Induced Polarisation surveying near grounded metallic infrastructure AEGC 2019
Application of the airborne electromagnetic method for Banded Iron-Formation mapping in the Hamersley Province, Western Australia ASEG-PESA 2016
Application of the passive seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique for embankment integrity monitoring AEGC 2018
- Tomofast-x 2.0: an open-source parallel code for inversion of potential field data with topography using wavelet compression Geosci. Model Dev 2024