ExploreGeo Presentations
Some of ExploreGeo's recent Presentations are available for download at the links below.
- On-Line Presentation to SEGMIN reviewing expanding gradient array IP modelling from 2010 - Gradient IP Modelling
- Presentation to the ASEG-AIG workshop on Airborne EM held in Perth in 2012 - Visualisation of AEM data
- Presentation to the ASEG-AIG workshop on Inversion held in Perth in 2014 -Forward modelling for survey design
- Presentation to the ASEG IP workshop held at the 2015 ASEG-PESA Conference in Perth in 2015 - Depth of Detection of IP
- Presentation to the ASEG IP workshop held at the 2015 ASEG-PESA Conference in Perth in 2015 - Offset Dipole-dipole array
- Presentation to the ASEG IP workshop held at the 2016 ASEG-PESA-AIG Conference in Adelaide in 2016 - Processing IP data
- Presentation to the AusIMM Otago Gold Explorer's Forum, Christchurch 2017 - Leveraging the Geophysics
- Presentation to the CODES - Exploration in Brownfields Terrains Short Course 2022 updated 2024 - Exploring Deeper and Smarter